The Adventures of Victor
Sunshine Light Waves. Sunbeam Emblem. Vintage Badge
Hat and Mustache Illustration
Pastel Detailed Lined Bold Spooky Ghost
watercolor backpack illustrationwatercolor vintage telescope illustration
Magnifying Glass

Victor, the tiny penguin, showcases the best of ​victor harbor while out on each of his adventures


Cartoon of a Mexican Acovado

THE LEGEND OF THE SOUTH COAST ​GHOST RIDER. Here you’ll discover more ​about Penguin surfing ability and history. ​We go for a ride with Victor as he joins ​forces with local surfers to seek out the ​truth behind the Ghost Rider. Victor and a ​crew of fearless South Coast board riders ​take on the massive Haley’s Wave at ​Parsons Beach for a chance to see The ​Ghost Rider.


Cowboy Hat Illustration

IN SEARCH OF THE MISSING PENGUIN. ​Victor teams up with two goats, named ​Edmond and Hillary on a search and ​rescue mission to find his cousin, young ​Nigel. Using a set of clues Victor and his ​team take on all kinds of adventures. But ​time is their enemy. A tiny penguin lost ​at night is easy prey for the wild dogs. ​Join Victor and the team as they travel ​around Victor Harbor and Waitpinga in ​their exciting quest to bring Nigel safely ​back to his home on Granite Island.


watercolor halloween bat

DATE WITH A VAMPIRE, THINGS THAT ​GO BITE IN THE NIGHT. Victor enlists ​the help of some nocturnal specialists as ​he goes in hunt for a vampire who has ​recently moved into Victor Harbor. ​Armed with a cunning plan to lure the va​mpire out, Victor and his team visit all th​e grand buildings of Victor Harbor. Will hi​s selection of blood oranges work, or wi​ll it be his Coffin Bay Oysters that will do​ the trick? Join Victor, Trevor, Miss Ch​erry and Dr F. Tingle on this late night ro​mp around Victor Harbor.


IN SEARCH OF THE MISSING THRONE. ​Victor has been keenly watching Game of ​Thrones and now wants to find out if any ​ancient thrones exist in the Victor Harbor ​area. After spending many late nights ​researching the region he almost gives up, ​but then he discovers, Kings Beach. For this ​adventure along one of Australia’s most ​spectacular walks he engages help from ​Rhonda, a kangaroo with family ties to the ​area plus two Kingfishers from up near ​Wellington. Will the Troll stop them in their ​tracks, is there even a throne? Let’s find out.


VICTOR PLAYS A ROUND. THE ALBATROSS, ​THE EAGLE & THE BIRDIES. Victor is always ​on the lookout for a new adventure and a ​chance to make new friends. So when he ​heard about all these birds up at the Victor ​Harbor Golf Club he had to investigate. On ​arriving at the Club he was issued some ‘ ​clubs’. Were these for protection he asked, are ​these birds aggressive? Victor ventures out ​onto the course and what he finds are new ​friends, but of a different kind.



THE RESTAURANT MYSTERIES. THE ​BEARD, THE ACTOR & THE ANGEL. Victor ​has been given a number of questions ​regarding sightings of a bearded lady, a ​famous actor and even an angel spotted at ​some of Victor Harbor’s most famous ​restaurants. Victor investigates, and one by ​one he solves these puzzles. Proud of his ​detective work Victor is seen late at night ​dancing under the moonlight to an iconic ​Australian song - written by a Victor Harbor ​local - to find out more, enjoy episode 3.


UFO Illustration

THE VICTOR HARBOR MYSTERIES. ​GHOSTS, ALIENS AND MUCH MORE. ​For over 100 years Victor’s family have ​often been asked to look into local ​mysteries. Victor continues that good ​work and sets out to solve a few ​mysteries himself. He’s heard Victor ​Harbor is home to one of the most ​unusual trains in Australia plus he is ​worried there is a whale beached in a ​local park, can this be true, go with Victor ​as he seeks out the truth.


Photo camera watercolor illustration

INTRODUCING VICTOR. THE LAUNCH ​PARTY THAT NEARLY WASN’T. Victor has ​decided that island life [Granite Island ] is all ​a bit quiet for him so reinvents himself as an ​adventurer and part time entertainer. News ​of this hits the local paper and Victor thinks ​he’s off to a special launch party with the ​editor. But no, there’s no launch party, just a ​brief interview. Feeling a little down Victor ​shuffles off across the causeway - but what’s ​waiting for him you may ask?

Elegant Detailed Monoline Beach with Volcano Scenery Illustration